Insights and Events

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SPi USA 2023
8 Nov, 2023 Nashville, USA
Amplify your success by joining us. We believe independent advisors and brokers from across the nation should have a space to connect, share best practices and cultivate profound, long-lasting success while exploring new and exciting alternative investments – using new exposure and defined outcome solutions. Financial professionals joining SPi USA have already proven to be successful users of structured investments or wish to learn everything about these products. Our conference provides practical tools and guidance to take their achievements to the next level. You will have the opportunity to hear from industry leaders, to network with top advisors & leading brokers and Investment banks.

SPi USA 2023
8 Nov, 2023 Nashville, USA
Amplify your success by joining us. We believe independent advisors and brokers from across the nation should have a space to connect, share best practices and cultivate profound, long-lasting success while exploring new and exciting alternative investments – using new exposure and defined outcome solutions. Financial professionals joining SPi USA have already proven to be successful users of structured investments or wish to learn everything about these products. Our conference provides practical tools and guidance to take their achievements to the next level. You will have the opportunity to hear from industry leaders, to network with top advisors & leading brokers and Investment banks.
SPi Canada 2023
20 Sept, 2023 Toronto, Canada
The SPi Canada conference brings to discussion the latest solutions in Canada and how providers can help managing investors expectations. With the leading Canadian banks, this conference is the right place to learn more about these solutions, about their advantages and risks.

SPi Canada 2023
20 Sept, 2023 Toronto, Canada
The SPi Canada conference brings to discussion the latest solutions in Canada and how providers can help managing investors expectations. With the leading Canadian banks, this conference is the right place to learn more about these solutions, about their advantages and risks.